The Children's Garden: Loads of Things to Make and Grow/FRANCES LINCOLN/Matthew Appleby
Body Decoration/LERNER PUBN/Adam Sutherland
The Church as Counterculture/ST UNIV OF NEW YORK PR/Michael L. Budde
Cybele's Secret/LISTENING LIBRARY/Juliet Marillier
Worldly Saviors and Imperial Authority in Medieval Chinese Buddhism April D. Hughes
Kingdom Mysteries: Hidden in Plain Sight: Your Invitation to Access and Release Heaven's Provision/DESTINY IMAGE INC/Adrian Beale
Legal Lessons: Popularizing Laws in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1989/HARVARD UNIV PR/Jennifer Altehenger
Fonville Winans' Louisiana: Politics, People, and Places/LOUISIANA STATE UNIV PR/Cyril E. Vetter
The Emotionally Intelligent Team: Understanding and Developing the Behaviors of Success/JOSSEY BASS/Marcia Hughes
Psychotherapy and Religion: Many Paths, One Journey/JASON ARONSON INC/Marcella Bakur Weiner
A Rainbow of Friends! (Blue's Clues & You)/RANDOM HOUSE/Random House
Chicago's Horse Racing Venues/ARCADIA PUB (SC)/Kimberly A. Rinker
Batman's Hero Files (DC Super Friends)/RANDOM HOUSE INC/Billy Wrecks
Up from Slavery: An Autobiography/RANDOM HOUSE GROUP/Booker T. Washington
Reason and Reality: Realism and Idealism in Pragmatic Perspective/ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD/Nicholas Rescher
Amelia Sparklepaw's Party Problem/TURTLEBACK BOOKS/Daisy Meadows
Who Stole the Cookies? Turtleback Scho/TURTLEBACK BOOKS/Judith Moffatt
Council Fires on the Upper Ohio/UNIV OF PITTSBURGH PR/Randolph Downes
High-Yield(tm) Systems: Gastrointestinal Tract New/LIPPINCOTT RAVEN/Ronald W. Dudek
A Christmas-Tastic Carol/PRICE STERN SLOAN INC/Max Brallier