Avionics: Development and Implementation/CRC PR INC/Cary R. Spitzer
Mind of Clear Light: Advice on Living Well and Dying Consciously/ATRIA/Dalai Lama
The Mystery of God's Will: What Does He Want for Me?/THOMAS NELSON PUB/Charles R. Swindoll
Food on the Page: Cookbooks and American Culture/UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PR/Megan J. Elias
Weary Throats and New Songs: Black Women Proclaiming God's Word/ABINGDON PR/Teresa L. Fry Brown
People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil/TOUCHSTONE PR/M. Scott Peck
Mixedblood Messages: Literature, Film, Family, Place Volume 26/UNIV OF OKLAHOMA PR/Louis Owens
Ibby's Magic Weekend/SCHOLASTIC BK SERVICES/Heather Dyer
Conqueror's Son Duke Robert Curthose, Thwarted King Katherine Lack
Getting Married Theresa Alan
Rip Van Winkle's Neighbors: The Transformation of Rural Society in the Hudson River Valley, 1720-185/ST UNIV OF NEW YORK PR/Thomas S. Wermuth
Identifying Threats and Threatening Identities: The Social Construction of Realism and Liberalism/STANFORD UNIV PR/David L. Rousseau
Anne's School Days: Inspired by Anne of Green Gables/TUNDRA BOOKS INC/Kallie George
Armies of the Poor
Led Zeppelin -- Physical Graffiti Platinum Guitar: Authentic Guitar Tab/ALFRED PUBN/Led Zeppelin
Just Advocacy?: Women's Human Rights, Transnational Feminism, and the Politics of Representation/RUTGERS UNIV PR/Wendy S. Hesford
Moving Target/FLEMING H REVELL CO/Lynette Eason
Why Not Catch-21?: The Stories Behind the Titles/FRANCES LINCOLN LTD/Gary Dexter
Critical Conversations: A Christian Parents' Guide to Discussing Homosexuality with Teens/KREGEL PUBN/Tom Gilson
The History of the Peloponnesian War/BLACKSTONE PUB/Thucydides