Acidez / In Punk We Thrash
Aristotle's "problemata" in Different Times and Tongues/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Pieter De Leemans
Myricae: de Rebus Italicis Deque Triumpho Ludovici XII Regis Francorum Tragoedia/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Dirk Sacre
An Educational Pilgrimage to the United States: Travel Diary by Raymond Buyse, 1922/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Raymond Buyse
The Eucharist in Theology and Philosophy: The Wanderstudent of 1425 Revived in Virtual Reality in 20/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Reka Forrai
Les Transformateurs Duchamp/Duchamp's Trans/Formers/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Jean-Franois Lyotard
Coping with Social Change: Life Strategies of Workers in Poland's new Capitalism/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Adam Mrozowicki
Plutarch's "maxime Cum Principibus Philosopho Esse Disserendum": An Interpretation with Commentary/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Geert Roskam
Shifting Places: Peter Downsbrough, the Photographs/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Alexander Streitberger
Collective Inventions: Surrealism in Belgium/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Patricia Allmer
John Pagus on Aristotle's Categories: A Study and Edition of the Rationes Super Praedicamenta Aristo Critical/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Heine Hansen
Platons Timaios Als Grundtext der Kosmologie In Spatantike, Mittelalter Und Renaissance/Plato's Tima/LEUVEN UNIV PR/Thomas Leinkauf
Communication, Life, Mega-Evolution: Decrypting Life's Nature/LEUVEN UNIV PR/A. de Loof