L'Archipel des osselets Marc Kober
Hallelujah Blackout/MILKWEED ED/Alex Lemon
Thieves Like Us/POCKET BOOKS/Starr Ambrose
A cada cual, lo suyo Leonardo Sciascia
Gently with the Painters
Martin Buber's I and Thou Simon Ravenscroft
The Iliad/POCKET BOOKS/Homer
One of Us is Missing B.M. Carroll
Bedlam! -Digi- T-99
Sex, Porn & Hotel Rooms: Poems from a Marriage/TWO HARBORS/Anna Z. Kendall
O Pioneers! Library/TANTOR AUDIO/Willa Cather
Maximes Et Penses Du Prisonnier de Sainte-Hlne, Manuscrit Trouv Dans Les Papiers de Las-Cases/HACHETTE LIVRE/Napolon Ier
The Creed Legacy/CTR POINT PUB (ME)/Linda Lael Miller
The Public Face of Wilkie Collins Vol 3 The Collected Letters Andrew Gasson
Gift from the Stars/BENBELLA BOOKS/James Gunn
The Spoilers and the Warlords/ST MARTINS PR/Matt Braun
Theophilos/IGNATIUS PR/Michael D. O'Brien
The Alchemist: A Critical Reader: A Critical Reader/BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC/Lisa Hopkins
One or the Other: An Eddie Dougherty Mystery/ECW PR/John McFetridge
The Preacher's Lady/THORNDIKE PR/Lori Copeland