IP and Antitrust: The Competition Policies of Intellectual Property in Eighty Cases/WOLTERS KLUWER LAW & BUSINESS/Nuno Pires de Carvalho
Sectarian Roots of Jihad Religious Conflicts in the Middle East Adib Abdulmajid
Shareholders' Duties/WOLTERS KLUWER LAW & BUSINESS/Hanne Birkmose
Holy Body Gender and Sexual Difference in Theological Anthropology and Ecclesiology Brianne Bell Jacobs
Beethoven in the Age of Schiller, Goethe, and Kant Music for Modern Times Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen
The Virgin Birth According to Temple Christology David H. Wenkel
New EU Judiciary An Analysis of Current Judicial Reforms
Corporate Tax Base in the Light of the IAS/IFRS and EU Directive 2013/34: A Comparative Approach
Finding, Freezing and Attaching Assets A Multi-Jurisdictional Handbook
Tax Sovereignty in the BEPS Era
Introduction to Brazilian Law
Semantics and Poetics of the Righteous and the Wicked in the Psalms Kevin Foth
Confronting Ethnic White Christian Nationalism How the Alternate Right Is Redesigning America Chuck A. Baker, Delaware County Community College
The Rhetoric of Project Apollo The Moon Story and Its Televised Memories Kathy K. Previs
Competition Law and Policy in Latin America Recent Developments
China's Way to Carbon Emissions Reduction The Choice of Regulatory Instruments and Its Legal Challenges Ying Shen
The Practitioner's Guide to Antitrust in China/WOLTERS KLUWER LAW & BUSINESS/Becky Koblitz
Migration Law in the United States/WOLTERS KLUWER LAW & BUSINESS/Maria Isabel Medina
Chinese Company and Securities Law Chengwei Liu
Introduction to Belgian Law