Stafford Through Time Anthony Poulton-Smith
World War I Fact Book/AMBERLEY PUB/William Van Der Kloot
Anne Boleyn: Henry VIII's ObsessionHenry VIII's Obsession Elizabeth Norton
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The Illustrated Guide to Armageddon: Britain's Cold War/AMBERLEY PUB/Bob Clarke
The Lake Poets/AMBERLEY PUB/Gavin D. Smith
Ruislip Through Time/AMBERLEY PUB/Eileen M. Bowlt
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Gun Button to Fire: A Hurricane Pilot's Dramatic Story of the Battle of Britain/AMBERLEY PUB/Tom Neil
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Prehistoric Rock Art in Britain: Sermons in Stone/AMBERLEY PUB/Stan Beckensall
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Katharine of Aragon: The Tragic Story of Henry VIII's First Unfortunate Wife/AMBERLEY PUB/Patrick Williams
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South Shields Through Time Michael J Hallowell
Belfast Trolleybuses, 1938-1968/AMBERLEY PUB/David Harvey
Royal Encounters/AMBERLEY PUB/Paul Ratcliffe