The 3-Minute Refresh Devotional for Women: 365 Bible Readings to Inspire Your Heart/BARBOUR PUBL INC/Compiled by Barbour Staff
God's Inspirations Camilla Whitmire
Creative Cookie Swap Cookbook: Recipes and Holiday Inspiration/BARBOUR PUB INC/MariLee Parrish
Just for Girls: Inspiration for a Girl's Heart/BARBOUR PUB INC/Inc Barbour Publishing
Holy Bible Kjv: Highlighting God's Promises to You [Gold & Camel]/BARBOUR PUBL INC/Christopher D. Hudson
Smith's Bible Dictionary/BARBOUR PUB INC/Inc. Barbour Publishing
Heavenly Humor for the Grandmother's Soul: 75 Bliss-Filled Inspirational Readings/BARBOUR PUB INC/Barbour Publishing Inc
The Woman's Secret of a Happy Life: Inspired by the Beloved Classic by Hannah Whitall Smith/BARBOUR PUB INC/Donna K. Maltese
Handel's Messiah Highlights/BARBOUR PUB INC/Barbour Publishing Inc
2012 Planner: For Each New Day/BARBOUR PUB INC/Helen Steiner Rice
Simple Choices: Will a Missing Mennonite Teen End Gracie's Hopes for a Happy Future in Harmony?/BARBOUR PUB INC/Nancy Mehl
Wollwut Der Handarbeitsclub ermittelt Leonie Kramer
Beloved Verse for Grandmothers/BARBOUR PUB INC/Helen Steiner Rice
If the Dress Fits/BARBOUR PUB INC/Debby Mayne
365 Days of Encouragement for the Workplace/BARBOUR PUB INC/Barbour Publishing
Escombros Juriene Pereira Da Silva
Sometimes, a Woman Just Knows. . ./BARBOUR PUB INC/Inc. Barbour Publishing
Quiet Talks on Prayer/BARBOUR PUB INC/S. D. Gordon
Der Kult - Seine Beute bist du Thriller Mariette Lindstein
Prescription for Love/BARBOUR PUB INC/Andrea Boeshaar