Present Company/COPPER CANYON PR/W. S. Merwin
Guide to Capturing a Plum Blossom Revised/COPPER CANYON PR/Sung Po-Jen
Florida's Civil War: Explorations Into Conflict, Interpretation, and Memory/FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOC PR/Irvin D. S. Winsboro
Preliminary Report/COPPER CANYON PR/Jon Davis
Present Company/COPPER CANYON/W. S. Merwin
Crosswords/SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT/Eric Saunders
The Hands of Day/COPPER CANYON PR/Pablo Neruda
Florida's Golden Age 1880-1930: The Rollins College Colloquy/FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOC PR/Maurice O'Sullivan
Reality Check/COPPER CANYON PR/Dennis O'Driscoll
The Book of Fables/COPPER CANYON PR/W. S. Merwin
Dialogues with Rising Tides/COPPER CANYON PR/Kelli Russell Agodon
The Silk Dragon: Translations from the Chinese/COPPER CANYON PR/Arthur Sze
Production Volume Rendering Design and Implementation Magnus Wrenninge
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Saving Daylight/COPPER CANYON/Jim Harrison
Chasing Bones: An Archaeologist's Pursuit of Skeletons/FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOC PR/Rachel K. Wentz
The Lover of God/COPPER CANYON PR/Rabindranath Tagore
Before His Time: The Untold Story of Harry T. Moore America's First Civil Rights Martyr/FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOC PR/Ben Green
The Stuff of Hollywood/COPPER CANYON/Niki Herd
Winter Garden/COPPER CANYON PR/Pablo Neruda