Line of Fire/BRILLIANCE CORP/Stephen White
Edge of War/BRILLIANCE CORP/Larry Bond
Interactive Environments with Open-Source Software: 3D Walkthroughs and Augmented Reality for Archit 2009/LAKEVIEW ART & ARCHITECTURE/Wolfgang Hahl
Slayer Chronicles, The: First Kill/BRILLIANCE CORP/Heather Brewer
Odd Apocalypse Library/BRILLIANCE AUDIO/Dean R. Koontz
I'm Kingfisher Thomas Denver Jonsson / Glue
Zen to Done: The Ultimate Simple Productivity System/BRILLIANCE CORP/Leo Babauta
Focus: A Simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction/BRILLIANCE CORP/Leo Babauta
Return of the Rancher/BRILLIANCE CORP/Max Brand
Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World/BRILLIANCE CORP/Jane McGonigal
Slingshot: Re-Imagine Your Business, Re-Imagine Your Life/BRILLIANCE CORP/Gabor George Burt
Ronicky Doone/BRILLIANCE CORP/Max Brand
Red Planet Run/BRILLIANCE CORP/Dana Stabenow
The Beekeeper's Ball Library/BRILLIANCE AUDIO/Christina Traister
Warlock: A Novel of Ancient Egypt/BRILLIANCE CORP/Wilbur Smith
Dream Angus: The Celtic God of Dreams/BRILLIANCE CORP/Alexander McCall Smith
Rusty Nail: A Jacqueline 'Jack' Daniels Mystery/BRILLIANCE CORP/J. A. Konrath
Because You're Mine/BRILLIANCE CORP/Lisa Kleypas
Dr. John's Healing Psoriasis Cookbook... Plus!/TURNER/John O. A. Pagano