Tilopa's Wisdom: His Life and Teachings on the Ganges Mahamudra/SNOW LION PUBN/Khenchen Thrangu
Buddhism Through American Women's Eyes USA/SNOW LION PUBN INC/Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Machik's Complete Explanation: Clarifying the Meaning of Chod/SNOW LION PUBN INC/Sarah Harding
Mountain Doctrine: Tibet's Fundamental Treatise on Other-Emptiness and the Buddha Matrix/SNOW LION PUBN INC/Dol-Bo-Ba Shay-Rap-Gyel-Tsen
The Nature of Things: Emptiness and Essence in the Geluk World/SHAMBHALA/William A. Magee
Preparing for Tantra: Creating the Psychological Ground for Practice/SNOW LION PUBN/Rob Preece
Lion of Siddhas: The Life and Teachings of Padampa Sangye/SNOW LION PUBN/David Molk