Shadow Spell Library/BRILLIANCE AUDIO/Alan Smyth
Fallout Library/BRILLIANCE AUDIO/Todd Strasser
Slaughter/BRILLIANCE CORP/John Lutz
Chopin ショパン / 夜想曲集、幻想ポロネーズ、バラード第3番、他 シモン・ネーリング
告別ソナタ ベートーヴェン:ピアノ・ソナタ全集[9]/CD/BVCC-34135
Say You Love Me/BRILLIANCE CORP/Johanna Lindsey
All That's Missing/BRILLIANCE CORP/Sarah Sullivan
Good Friday's Good News/CASCADE BOOKS/Eric W. Gritsch
I'm Walking as Straight as I Can: Transcending Disability in Hollywood and Beyond/BRILLIANCE CORP/Geri Jewell
Brandstand: Strategies for Retail Brand Building/VISUAL PROFILE BOOKS INC/Arthur A. Winters
Hot Pursuit/BRILLIANCE CORP/Suzanne Brockmann
God and Career Workshop Library/BRILLIANCE AUDIO/Marianne Williamson
The Battle for the Keys: Revelation 1:18 and Christ's Descent Into the Underworld/WIPF & STOCK PUBL/Justin Bass
Shadowfires/BRILLIANCE CORP/Dean R. Koontz
The Four Essentials of a Dream Relationship and Finding and Keeping the Love You Want/BRILLIANCE CORP/Harville Hendrix
Strega/BRILLIANCE CORP/Andrew H. Vachss
Paul Among the Postliberals/WIPF & STOCK PUBL/Douglas Harink
The Secret of Everything Library/BRILLIANCE AUDIO/Barbara O'Neal
First Steps Discipleship Training Leader's Guide/RESOURCE PUBN/Gary Comer
Invasion of Privacy/BRILLIANCE CORP/Perri O'Shaughnessy