Le Champ de Mars Bernard Clesca
La vie n'est pas un roman Claire Gallois
L'homme arc-en-ciel Yves Simon
J'aime la vie Christine Arnothy William Dickinson
La fuite en Pologne Jean-Marie Rouart
Identity and the Museum Visitor Experience/ROUTLEDGE/John H. Falk
Les feux du pouvoir Jean-Marie Rouart
Saving Places That Matter: A Citizen's Guide to the National Historic Preservation Act/LEFT COAST PR INC/Thomas F. King
English Folk Carols: Maddy Prior The Carnival Band Sneak's Noyse 輸入盤
Gare de l'Est Jean Mistler
Debating Archaeology Updated/LEFT COAST PR INC/Lewis R. Binford
A New Human: The Startling Discovery and Strange Story of the Hobbits of Flores, Indonesia, Updated Updated/ROUTLEDGE/Mike Morwood
Portez-vous bien Docteur Pierre Vachet
Mysterious Lands/LEFT COAST PR INC/David O'Connor
スジンスキ、ミェチスワフ 1866-1924 / 宗教音楽選集 ロベルト・カチョロフスキ バリトン、オルガン
Good, the Bad, and the Data: Shane the Lone Ethnographer's Basic Guide to Qualitative Data Analysis/LEFT COAST PR INC/Sally Campbell Galman
Baisse les yeux, Sarah Paule Darmon
地には平和を エリサベト・ホルテ&ウラニエンボルグ・ヴォーカルアンサンブル +ブルーレイ・オーディオ
Writing Archaeology: Telling Stories about the Past/LEFT COAST PR INC/Brian Fagan
L'amour bourgeois Alain Bosquet