Machine Learning Production Systems Engineering Machine Learning Models and Pipelines Robert Crowe
Stein's Method and Applications/WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUB CO INC/Louis Hsiao Yun Chen
Eicosanoids and Radiation
Le Papillon de verre Katrine Engberg
Aide-Memoire A L'Usage Des Officiers D'Artillerie de France Attaches Au Service de Terre, T2, 3e Ed./HACHETTE LIVRE/Jean-Jacques-Basilien Gassendi (De)
Le Nerf de la guerre Bernard Petit
Industrial Data Analytics for Diagnosis and Prognosis A Random Effects Modelling Approach Shiyu Zhou
Data Engineering and Applications Proceedings of the International Conference, IDEA 2K22, Volume 2
Elektro-Fachrechnen 1: Grundlagen 3., Neubearb. U/SPRINGER PG/Klaus Gromann
Brooklyn/SCRIBNER BOOKS CO/Colm Toibin
Ma trousse de secours aux huiles essentielles Justine Robert
Quantum Physics in the NanoworldSchr?dinger's Cat and the Dwarfs Hans L?th
Bioetica Nozioni fondamentali Francesco D'Agostino
フジッコ おまめさん 白花豆 140g
Histoire Des Sciences Naturelles Depuis Leur Origine Jusqu' Nos Jours, Chez Tous Les Peuples Tome 2/HACHETTE LIVRE/Georges Cuvier
Beginning MongoDB Atlas with .NET Flexible and Scalable Document Data Storage for .NET Developers Luce Carter
FreudThe Unconscious and World Affairs Rene Major
Sustainable Industrial Chemistry: Principles, Tools and Industrial Examples/WILEY/Fabrizio Cavani
Elin Hansdottir: Path/CRYMOGEA/Elin Hansdottir
Imperfect Endings: A Daughter's Tale of Life an Death/SIMON & SCHUSTER/Zoe Fitzgerald Carter