Conan the Liberator L. Sprague de Camp
Dungeons of Doom: A Compendium of Fantasy Maps/GREEN RONIN PUB/Ed Bourelle
The Outcast Dove/ST MARTINS PR 3PL/Sharan Newman
Medieval Player's Manual/GREEN RONIN PUB/David Chart
The World's Finest Mystery and Crime Stories Third Annual Collection
Silver Charms A Paranormal Women's Fiction Novel Kate Moseman
Transgressions Ten Brand-New Novellas Lawrence Block
True20 Adventure Roleplaying/GREEN RONIN PUB/Steve Kenson
True20: The Expert's Handbook: A Role Sourcebook for True20 Adventure Roleplaying/GREEN RONIN PUB/Joseph Miller, Fhimss
Who Would Have Guessed?: It's All for the Best!/JUDAICA PR INC/Loren Hodes
Mutants & Masterminds: MasterMind's Manual/GREEN RONIN PUB/Steve Kenson
True20 the Adept's Handbook: A Role Sourcebook for True20 Adventure Roleplaying/GREEN RONIN PUB/Matthew E. Kaiser
Mutants & Masterminds Beginner's Guide/GREEN RONIN PUB/Steve Kenson
Fitcher's Brides
Moonrise Book Three of the Snowfall Trilogy Mitchell Smith
Pharaoh and the Fabulous Frog Invasion/JUDAICA PR INC/Osher Werner