Apollo's Struggle: A Performing Arts Odyssey in the Athens of the South, Nashville, Tennessee/HILLSBORO PR/Martha Rivers Ingram
Torah Mietzion: Devarim: New Readings in Tanach/MAGGID/Ezra Bick
Torah Mietzion: Bemidbar: New Readings in Tanach/MAGGID/Rav Ezra Bick
Notice D'Estampes Anciennes Et Modernes, Lithographies, Recueils, Livres, Planches Gravees: . Vente/HACHETTE LIVRE/Chaillou-Potrelle
Turn Up the VolumeA Down and Dirty Guide to Podcasting Michael O'Connell
Alexiques II Pierre Turcotte
Photographer's Guide to Wedding Album Design and Sales/AMHERST MEDIA/Bob Coates
Torah Mietzion: New Readings in Tanach: Vayikra/MAGGID/Ezra Bick
Plateau Light/GRAPHIC ARTS CTR PUB CO/David Muench
Shakespeare and Interpretation, or What You Will/UNIV OF DELAWARE PR/Brayton Polka
Build Your Own Galaxy: The Big Unofficial Builder's Book/HEEL VERLAG/Joachim Klang
La storia del jazz Luigi Onori
Catalogue D'Estampes Et Portraits Anciens, Oeuvre Lithographie = Catalogue D'Estampes Et Portraits A/HACHETTE LIVRE/Sans Auteur
Freedom and Vengeance on Film Precarious Lives and the Politics of Subjectivity Robert E. Watkins
Festin Joyeux, Ou La Cuisine En Musique, En Vers Libres/HACHETTE LIVRE/Lebas
The Pursuit of Excellence: A Band Director's Guide to Success/MEREDITH MUSIC/Sally Wagner
Conscious Community/ACTAR D/Chris T. Cornelius
Uncreative WritingSprachmanagement im digitalen Zeitalter. Erweiterte deutsche Ausgabe. Kenneth Goldsmith