那須・塩原 改訂6版/JTBパブリッシング
Good Sex Illustrated/SEMIOTEXTE/Tony Duvert
I'm Very Into You: Correspondence 1995-1996/SEMIOTEXTE/Kathy Acker
木曽・伊那 改訂6版/JTBパブリッシング
Leash/MIT PR/Jane Delynn
WERA ヴェラ トルクスロングキーレンチ トルクスレンチ
Knight's Code Don Levin
FMTソフト ルナティックドーン2
Capital and Language: From the New Economy to the War Economy/MIT PR/Christian Marazzi
The Art, the Sport and the Science of Salesmanship
I Love Dick/SEMIOTEXTE/Chris Kraus
David Wojnarowicz: A Definitive History of Five or Six Years on the Lower East Side/SEMIOTEXTE/Sylvere Lotringer
Torpor, New Edition/SEMIOTEXTE/Chris Kraus
Capital and Affects: The Politics of the Language Economy/SEMIOTEXTE/Christian Marazzi
Final Selection Dance / Siren's Call
FMTソフト SUPER ODYSSEY/電脳プラネタリウム
In the Deep/SEMIOTEXTE/Pierre Guyotat
It's My Time Based on the True Story of Life, the Way Chamone Adams Lived It. Kaci Winslow