Enso: Zen Circles of Enlightenment/SHAMBHALA PUB/Audrey Yoshiko Seo
Grandmothers Counsel the World: Women Elders Offer Their Vision for Our Planet/SHAMBHALA/Carol Schaefer
A Guide to the Words of My Perfect Teacher/SHAMBHALA/Khenpo Ngawang Palzang
The Nectar of Manjushri's Speech: A Detailed Commentary on Shantideva's Way of the Bodhisattva/SHAMBHALA/Kunzang Pelden
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Cultivating Ch'i: A Samurai Physician's Teachings on the Way of Health/SHAMBHALA/Kaibara Ekiken
The Wisdom of No Escape: And the Path of Loving-Kindness/SHAMBHALA PUB/Pema Chodron
Being True to Life: Poetic Paths to Personal Growth/SHAMBHALA/David Richo
Sonnets to Orpheus Bilingual Edition/SHAMBHALA PUB/Maria Rainer Rilke
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The Autism Mom's Survival Guide (for Dads, Too!): Creating a Balanced and Happy Life While Raising a/TRUMPETER/Susan Senator
Treasury of Precious Qualities: Book One: Sutra Teachings (Revised Edition) Revised/SHAMBHALA/Longchen Yeshe Dorje Kangyur Rinpoche
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Unlearning Meditation: What to Do When the Instructions Get in the Way/SHAMBHALA/Jason Siff
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Art and Value: Art's Economic Exceptionalism in Classical, Neoclassical and Marxist Economics/BRILL ACADEMIC PUB/Dave Beech
Monkey: A Journey to the West/SHAMBHALA/David Kherdian
The Art of Haiku: Its History Through Poems and Paintings by Japanese Masters/SHAMBHALA/Stephen Addiss
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In Buddha's Kitchen Cooking, Being Cooked, and Other Adventures in a Meditation Center Kimberley Snow