Love's Ripening: Rumi on the Heart's Journey/SHAMBHALA/Kabir Edmund Helminski
Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Kenya: A Social History of the Shifta Conflict, C. 1963-1968/BRILL ACADEMIC PUB/Hannah Whittaker
Incredible Good Fortune: New Poems/SHAMBHALA PUB/Ursula K. Le Guin
The Book of Five Rings/SHAMBHALA PUB/Musashi Miyamoto
Meditation in Action
Sailing Alone Around the World/SHAMBHALA PUB/William Gilkerson
Beyond Happiness: The Zen Way to True Contentment/SHAMBHALA/Ezra Bayda
The Way of Chuang Tzu/SHAMBHALA PUB/Thomas Merton
The Zen Art Book: The Art of Enlightenment/SHAMBHALA PUB/Stephen Addiss
The Dhammapada: Teachings of the Buddha/SHAMBHALA PUB/Gil Fronsdal
The Essential Teachings of Zen Master Hakuin: A Translation of the Sokko-roku Kaien-fusetsu/SHAMBHALA/Hakuin Ekaku
Yoga for Healthy Bones: A Woman's Guide/SHAMBHALA PUB/Linda Sparrowe
Mind at Ease: Self-Liberation Through Mahamudra Meditation/SHAMBHALA/Traleg Kyabgon
Brilliant Moon: The Autobiography of Dilgo Khyentse/SHAMBHALA PUB/Dis-Mgo Mkhyen-Brtse Rab-Gsal-Zla-Ba
Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Volume One: Literature and Languages/BRILL ACADEMIC PUB/Jonathan Silk
Migration as Transnational Leisure: The Japanese Lifestyle Migrants in Australia/BRILL ACADEMIC PUB/Jun Nagatomo
The Challenge of the Soul: A Guide for the Spiritual Warrior/TRUMPETER/Niles Elliot Goldstein
A Torch Lighting the Way to Freedom: Complete Instructions on the Preliminary Practices/SHAMBHALA PUB/Bdud-'Joms
The Very Lowly: A Meditation on Francis of Assisi/SHAMBHALA/Christian Bobin