Deine Schmerzen - Unsere Lust25 Kurzgeschichten von Lust & Pein Dave Vandenberg
Electre/LIVRE DE POCHE/J. Giraudoux
Rabindranath Tagore's Gora: A Critical Companion/PRIMUS BOOKS/Nandini Bhattacharya
Il Re d'Irlanda Maurizio Di Primio
Eine indische Liebe Sarah Lloyd
The Hidden Man/BRILLIANCE CORP/David Ellis
The Challenge for Freedom Subhas
Antebellum Original/STREBOR BOOKS INTL LLC/R. K. Thomas
A Friend of the Family/HIGHBRIDGE AUDIO/Lauren Grodstein
Einsamer Wolf 09 - Die Ruinen von Zaaryx
L'oriente allo specchio Silvia Lutzoni
El ViajeDe Buenos Aires a Miami en 95 dias por mar
To Serve and Protect/POCKET BOOKS/Arianna Hart
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Jessica Guerrieri
Katzenjammer Roman Frauke Scheunemann
Terror alert level fire red Thriller Sarah Samuel
Born to Rock Gordon Korman
De Ridder Een wankel evenwicht Bram Dehouck
Dogman The Trials and Tribulations Kurt F. Suss
Yell, Sam, If You Still Can Maylis Besserie