October/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Ellen Jackson
Much ADO about Numbers: Shakespeare's Mathematical Life and Times/EXPERIMENT/Rob Eastaway
The Yummy Alphabet Book/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Jerry Pallotta
Looking Out for Sarah/TALEWINDS/Glenna Lang
Tamed: From Wild to Domesticated, the Ten Animals and Plants That Changed Human History Alice Roberts
The Butterfly Alphabet Book/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Jerry Pallotta
Nine Minds: Inner Lives on the Spectrum Daniel Tammet
The Last Straw/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Fredrick Thury
It Happens in the Month of July/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Ellen Jackson
The Dinosaur Alphabet Book/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Jerry Pallotta
Blast Off!: A Space Counting Book/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Norma Cole
Crayon Counting Bk/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Pam Munoz Ryan
L'Homme Arme Masses /
The Frog Alphabet Book/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Jerry Pallotta
The Desert Alphabet Book/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Jerry Pallotta
The Extinct Alphabet Book/CHARLESBRIDGE PUB/Jerry Pallotta