Bello Yellow's Amazing Surprise/TATE PUB/Barbara Kathleen Welch
Here... Have a Miracle: Experiencing Rest & Refreshing in This Harried, Hurried World/TATE PUB/Jane E. Harber
One Girl's Dream for Freedom/TATE PUB/Gayle Adams
How to Wear Your Hair: Hair Dos and Don'ts for Your Face Shape/TATE PUB/Morgan Gantt
God's DNA Revealed: Unraveling the Mystery of the Cross/TATE PUB/Valerie Arnold
The Someday Adventures of Robin Kane/TATE PUB/Nancy Cain Smith
More Chicago Haunts: Scenes from Myth and Memory/THUNDER BAY PR/Ursula Bielski
The Nightmare Navigator: When Shadows Lurk/TATE PUB/Billy Bonsangue
Two Mountains to Climb/TATE PUB/Philip C. Keeling
God Is with You, Little One/TATE PUB/Alysia Stauffer
Guiding Lights, Tragic Shadows: Tales of Great Lakes Lighthouses/THUNDER BAY PR/Edward Butts
Whose Voice Are You Listening To?: A Comparison of the Catholic Catechism to the Bible/TATE PUB/Marlene C. Crouch
Devotions for Dog Lovers: Life Lessons from Canine Companions/TATE PUB/Judy McWhorter
Little Sylvia Seagull/TATE PUB/Nancy McKell Gomez
Solomon's Porch/TATE PUB/Wid Bastian
Hero Boy/TATE PUB/Heidi Cook
YOJOテープ トムジェリ TJM-446
The Linthead/TATE PUB/Edmund Sauls
Biblical Journeys: Passages Through Time and Into Eternity/TATE PUB/Velyn Cooper
DON’T U EVER STOP/CDシングル(12cm)/JACA-5092