Defiant: The POWs Who Endured Vietnam's Most Infamous Prison, the Women Who Fought for Them, and the Library/BLACKSTONE PUB/Alvin Townley
Exhale Kendall Grey
A Mighty Fleet and the King's Power The Isle of Man, AD 400 to 1265 Tim Clarkson
Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up/REGNERY PUB INC/Katie Pavlich
de Tamatave Tananarive le de Madagascar/HACHETTE LIVRE/Georges Foucart
Queen of Sorrows Plague, Piety, and Power in Late Medieval Italy Bianca M. Lopez
Jesus Cares for Women/NAV PR/Helene Ashker
Historic Tales of Colorado's Grand Valley: Heroes, Heroines, Hucksters and Hooligans/HISTORY PR/Kate Ruland-Thorne
Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions/JOHN WILEY & SONS INC/Edward P. Sarafino
World of Giving/LARS MULLER/Jeffrey Inaba
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: Raptor Rescue/CARLTON KIDS/Carlton Kids
Selection de Decisions Du Comite Pour L'Elimination de la Discrimination Raciale, Volume I: de la Tr/UNITED NATIONS PUBN/United Nations
Le Droit Priv Au Xiiie Sicle: d'Aprs Les Coutumes de Toulouse Et de Montpellier (d.1886)/HACHETTE LIVRE/Adolphe Tardif
Iran and China: A New Approach to Their Bilateral Relations/LEXINGTON BOOKS/Shirzad Azad
A New Copernican Turn Contemporary Cosmology, the Self, and Orthodox Science-Engaged Theology Doru Costache
Bodies and Language RAMANATHAN, Vaidehi
Here and Now: Thriving in the Kingdom of Heaven Today/B&H PUB GROUP/Robby Gallaty
Divine Therapeia and the SermonTheocentric Therapeutic Preaching Neil Pembroke
Kingdom of God In You: Discovering the Mysteries and Revelation of God's Kingdom/REVIVAL WAVES OF GLORY MINISTR/Evangelist Harrison Johnson Uche
In the Jaws of the Crocodile: Emmerson Mnangagwa's Rise to Power in Zimbabwe/PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE SOUTH AFR/Ray Ndlovu