Walt Disney's Donald Duck: The Daily Newspaper Comics Volume 2/IDEA & DESIGN WORKS LLC/Bob Karp
Complete Chester Gould's Dick Tracy Volume 18/IDEA & DESIGN WORKS LLC/Chester Gould
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Jay Disbrow's Monster Invasion/IDEA & DESIGN WORKS LLC/Jay Disbrow
Donald and Mickey: The Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 75th Anniversary Collection/IDEA & DESIGN WORKS LLC/Carl Barks
The Whole Story of Climate: What Science Reveals about the Nature of Endless Change/PROMETHEUS BOOKS/E. Kirsten Peters
The Bomb Maker's Son: A Parker Stern Novel/VIVA ED/Robert Rotstein
The Shrinking Man (Richard Matheson's the Shrinking Man)/IDEA & DESIGN WORKS LLC/Richard Matheson
CMPTR, Student Edition [With Access Code]/COURSE TECHNOLOGY/Katherine T. Pinard
How to Become a Really Good Pain in the Ass: A Critical Thinker's Guide to Asking the Right Question/PROMETHEUS BOOKS/Christopher Dicarlo
Powerpuff Girls: Homecoming/IDEA & DESIGN WORKS LLC/Haley Mancini
Disarmed: Unconventional Lessons from the World's Only One-Armed Special Forces Sharpshooter/PROMETHEUS BOOKS/Izzy Ezagui
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Works, Volume 5/IDEA & DESIGN WORKS LLC/Kevin Eastman
Statistics for Management and Economics: Abbreviated/SOUTH WESTERN/Gerald Keller
Dante's Dilemma: A Mark Angelotti Novel/SEVENTH STREET BOOKS/Lynne Raimondo
Comet Madness: How the 1910 Return of Halley's Comet (Almost) Destroyed Civilization/PROMETHEUS BOOKS/Richard J. Goodrich
Nostradamus e l'Italia Cristiano Sias
Donald and Mickey: Quest for the Faceplant/IDEA & DESIGN WORKS LLC/William Van Horn