Ship of Thought/KARNAC BOOKS/Duncan Barford
Matters of Life and Death: Psychoanalytic Reflections/KARNAC BOOKS/Salman Akhtar
The Perverse Organisation and its Deadly Sins/KARNAC BOOKS/Susan Long
The Many Faces of Asperger's Syndrome/KARNAC BOOKS/Maria Rhode
On Private Madness/ROUTLEDGE/Andre Green
Wild Thoughts Searching for a Thinker: A Clinical Application of W. R. Bion's Theories/KARNAC BOOKS/Rafael E. Lopez-Corvo
Another Kind of Evidence: Studies on Internalization, Annihilation Anxiety and Progressive Symboliza/KARNAC BOOKS/Norbert Freedman
On Freud's "Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming"/KARNAC BOOKS/Ethel S. Person
The Spontaneous Gesture: Selected Letters of D.W. Winnicott Revised/ROUTLEDGE/F. Robert Rodman
Transference and Countertransference: A Unifying Focus of Psychoanalysis/KARNAC BOOKS/Jean Arundale