Best Women's Erotica of the Year, Volume 9/CLEIS PR/Rachel Kramer Bussel
Garfield's (R) Almost-As-Great-As-Pizza Guide to Technology/LERNER PUBN/Rebecca E. Hirsch
Gym Boys: Gay Erotic Stories/CLEIS PR/Shane Allison
Best Gay Romance 2014/CLEIS PR/R. D. Cochrane
Best Women's Erotica 2014/CLEIS PR/Violet Blue
Through the Wire / Kanye West
This Python Isn't a Snake: What Are Coding Languages and Syntax?/MILLBROOK PR/Brian P. Cleary
Boys of Life/CLEIS PR/Paul Russell
Best Women's Erotica of the Year, Volume 3/CLEIS PR/Rachel Kramer Bussel
Behrouz Gets Lucky/CLEIS PR/Avery Cassell
Luis Enrique / Soy Y Sere 輸入盤
Through the Darkness DGeneration
Best Women's Erotica of the Year, Volume 4/CLEIS PR/Rachel Kramer Bussel
Dream of the Blue Turtles / Sting
Wifey Material Blythe Dowling-Eversly
Let's Have a Seder!/KAR-BEN COPIES INC/Madeline Wikler
Best Women's Erotica of the Year, Volume 6/CLEIS PR/Rachel Kramer Bussel
Someone Loves You Honey ルトリシア・マクニール
Coming Soon: Women's Orgasm Erotica/CLEIS PR/Rachel Kramer Bussel