Atlanta's Olympic Resurgence: How the 1996 Games Revived a Struggling City/HISTORY PR/Michael Dobbins
A New History of Lexington, Kentucky/HISTORY PR/Foster Ockerman Jr
Haunted Howard County, Maryland/HISTORY PR/Shelley Davies Wygant
Philadelphia's Pencoyd Iron Works: Forging Along the Schuylkill River/HISTORY PR/Kevin Righter
Ghosts of Houston's Market Square Park Sandra Lord
Winchester, Connecticut: A History from Founding to Flood/HISTORY PR/Virginia Shultz-Charette
New Mexico's Stolen Lands A History of Racism, Fraud & Deceit Ray John de Aragon
Machine Guns in Narragansett Bay: The Coast Guard's War on Rumrunners/HISTORY PR/Christian M. McBurney
EpidemicAmerica's Trade in Child Rape Lori Handrahan
Adirondack Hard Times: Evolution of a Rich Man's Paradise/HISTORY PR/Andrew Egan Phd
Lee Harvey Oswald, Lyndon Johnson & the JFK Assassination/TRINE DAY/John Delane Williams
Wicked Kansas/HISTORY PR/Adrian Zink
Hidden History of Mystic & Stonington/HISTORY PR/Gail B. MacDonald
Remember Me How Letters From My Civil War Uncle Helped Me Confront My Childhood CIA attacker Benjamin Kendrick Buckley
Chicago Socialism: The People's History/HISTORY PR/Joseph Anthony Rulli
Wisconsin at Antietam: The Badger State's Sacrifice on America's Bloodiest Day/HISTORY PR/Cal Schoonover
California's Haunted Central Coast/HISTORY PR/Evie Ybarra
Bitter Heat: Deliberate Global Warming Via 'Trick' Cheney, Texas Oil, Spies, Organized Crime, and Bi/TRINE DAY/Roger Phelps
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