A Civil War Marine at Sea: The Diary of Medal of Honor Recipient Miles M. Oviatt/WHITE MANE PUB CO/Miles M. Oviatt
Metal Bible-NLT-4-Gvn-Magnetic Closure/TYNDALE HOUSE PUBL/Tyndale
Life Application Study Bible-NIV-Personal Size/TYNDALE HOUSE PUBL/Tyndale House Publishers
Children and Youth in Armed Conflict Responses, Resistance, and Portrayal in Media
Women Embodied Leaders Peacebuilding, Protest, and Professions
Isaac Shelby: A Driving Force in America's Struggle for Independence/WHITE MANE PUB CO INC/S. Roger Keller
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77th New York Volunteers: Sojering in the VI Corps/WHITE MANE PUB CO/Robert Morrow
Health, Money, Commerce, and Wealth Anthropological Perspectives
Life Application Study Bible-NIV-Personal Size/TYNDALE HOUSE PUBL/Tyndale
The End: A Complete Overview of Bible Prophecy and the End of Days/TYNDALE HOUSE PUBL/Mark Hitchcock
Borders and Barriers Navigating the Postcolonial Era of Migration in a Globalized World Agneta Moulettes
Drumbeat: The Story of a Civil War Drummer Boy/WHITE MANE PUB CO/Robert J. Trout
Gracie's Pride: The 43rd Alabama Infantry Volunteers/WHITE MANE PUB CO/Arthur E. Green
That Vast Procession of Misery: Lee's Wounded Retreat from Gettysburg/BURD STREET PR/William G. Williams
Forget That You Have Been Hitler's Soldiers: A Youth's Service to the Reich/WHITE MANE PUB CO/Hermann O. Pfrengle
Exploring ESG Challenges and Opportunities Navigating Towards a Better Future
Anybody's Hero: The Battle of Old Men and Young Boys/WHITE MANE PUB CO/Phyllis Hall Haislip