Miami Modern Metropolis: Paradise and Paradox in Midcentury Architecture and Planning/PRINCETON ARCHITECTURAL PR/Allan T. Shulman
The Paris Orphan/THORNDIKE PR/Natasha Lester
Open City, #28/OPEN CITY/Open City Magazine
The Nation's Best Schools: Blueprints for Excellence/ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD EDUC/Evelyn Hunt Ogden
Bullets Don't Argue/THORNDIKE PR/William W. Johnstone
Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water Formation, Analysis, and Control
Luther, Wyoming/FIVE STAR PUB/Tomas Alamilla
Follow Me/THORNDIKE PR/Kathleen Barber
Relative Justice/THORNDIKE PR/Robert Whitlow
Innovative Urban Wet-Weather Flow Management Systems Richard Field
The Foundling School for Girls She may be an orphan but she has hope for the future Elizabeth Gill
My Romance/CD/XQAM-1703
The Perfect Love Song: A Christmas Story/THORNDIKE PR/Patti Callahan Henry