The Killer JawsThe Swamps El Pensador
Keeping Quiet: Sixteen Essays on Silence Adriana Paramo
Sometimes Mine/RIVERHEAD/Martha Moody
Sortir d'Un Rve. Tome 2/HACHETTE LIVRE/de Mirecourt-E
Treading the Beaten Path A Journey Through India Dr Fazal Ghafoor
An American Type/BLACKSTONE PUB/Henry Roth
The Inauguration of Elizabeth Garrett: Cornell's Thirteenth President/CORNELL UNIV PR/Elizabeth Garrett
Les Illustres Fes, Contes Galans . Ddi Aux Dames (Par Mme d'Aulnoy Et Autres) (d.1698)/HACHETTE LIVRE/Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de B D' Aulnoy
Los Ltimos D-As de Ramn Pagano/LITERATURA RANDOM HOUSE/Alejandro Hernandez
Cuentos de la Bruja "Paca" E. Raquel Mart?nez Torralba
Tristes y Crudas Verdades
Les Amours d'Un Interne (d.1899) 1899/HACHETTE LIVRE/Jules Claretie
Love Starts with Elle/CTR POINT PUB (ME)/Rachel Hauck
The Wit and Wisdom of G K Chesterton/PAPERBACKSHOP UK IMPORT/Bevis Hillier
Morice's Stories in Attic Greek/FOCUS PUB/R PULLINS CO/Anne Mahoney
A Lasting Vision Dandin's Mirror in the World of Asian Letters
Baisers, Prcds Du Mois de Mai, Rimpression Textuelle Sur l'dition Originale de 1770/HACHETTE LIVRE/Claude-Joseph Dorat
Garden's Corner/BOOKBABY/Douglas S. Reed
So Near So Far/MCBOOKS PR/C. Northcote Parkinson