Palestinian Women: Narrative Histories and Gendered Memory/ZED BOOKS LTD/Fatma Kassem
The Sage Dictionary of Policing/SAGE PUBN/Alison Wakefield
Schools and Data: The Educator′s Guide for Using Data to Improve Decision Making/CORWIN PR INC/Theodore B. B. Creighton
Solidarity: Hidden Histories and Geographies of Internationalism/ZED BOOKS LTD/David Featherstone
Vietnam: Rethinking the State/ZED BOOKS LTD/Martin Gainsborough
People Betrayed: The Role of the West in Rwanda's Genocide (New, Updated) New, Updated/ZED BOOKS LTD/Linda Melvern
Priest of Paraguay: Fernando Lugo and the Making of a Nation/ZED BOOKS LTD/Hugh O'Shaughnessy
European Multiculturalism Revisited/ZED BOOKS LTD/Stephan Lanz