Buddy's Story Blake Morgan
Mort the Meek and the Ravens' Revenge Rachel Delahaye
SCRAP: The Good, the Bad and the Rusty Guy Bass
Roar of the Hungry Beast Annabelle Sami
南米から見た日本人 このままでは世界の孤児になる/サイマル出版会/フランシスコ・S.伊藤
Crystal Chaos Linda Chapman
The Wildmeadow Hare Holly Webb
Lop-Eared Rabbits 2017 Square/BROWNTROUT PUBL/Inc Browntrout Publishers
This Feast of a Life Cynthia So
Only This Beautiful Moment Abdi Nazemian
The Time Thief Gareth P. Jones
Proud Various
The Silver Pony Holly Webb
Level Up Tom Nicoll
住んでみたザンビア 獣医師のアフリカ不思議体験記/サイマル出版会/佐藤良彦
The Saddest Kitten Holly Webb