China's Hope/TATE PUB/Barbara Nowell
The Heart of a Princess: Princess Amari/TATE PUB/Veronica Fuller
Mediocrity to Maturity: A Journey from Despair to Repair/TATE PUB/Frances Seymour
Happy Birthday, Precious Lamb: A Memoir of Your Birth/TATE PUB/Jayne D'Alessandro-Cox
The Grand Delusion: A Manufactured Identity Thriller/TATE PUB/Heath Sommer
God Speaks: Do We Listen?/TATE PUB/Dorathea Fortener
Tidy Tess: A Pig's Tale/TATE PUB/Kerry Hertel
From Me to You: Poetic Conversations Between God and Man/TATE PUB/Susan B. A. Hofmann
Poppie and Paydro, the Adventurous Coyote Pups/TATE PUB/Gwendlyn Rusnell
My Village: A Young Family's Story of Cancer, Love, and Gratitude/TATE PUB/Diolinda Peterson
Papa and Nana Almost Always Say Yes/TATE PUB/Nancy Humes
The Snow Lady's Wish/TATE PUB/Cleta Eminger
If Children Are Cheaper by the Dozen... Can I Get a Discount on Six?: The Humorous Life of a Busy Mo/TATE PUB/Elizabeth Kathleen
The Sioux Clan and the New Heroes/TATE PUB/Dakota R. Peterson
Adventures of Ozzie, Otto, and Sadie: Best Friends Forever/TATE PUB/Phyllis Price
The Myths of Dymos: Power of Vedion/TATE PUB/David Glenn
Paul and the House Full of Donuts/TATE PUB/Starla Howard Davis
Unveiling the Adoption Process: Seven Families' Adventures & Insights/TATE PUB/Rhonda Y. Miller