Daddy's Little Girl/TATE PUB/Allene Van Oirschot
You Have the Power!/GAREV PUB INTL/Michael Elstein
Creature: It's There in the Dark, Waiting for Me to Move../TATE PUB/Paul L. Records
Every Excuse in the Book: All the Reasons You Can't Stop Eating Long Enough to Lose Weight/TATE PUB/Sue Brennan
Christian IX and Queen Louise: Europe's Parents-In-Law Second Edition,/GAD PUBLISHERS/Jens Gunni Busck
Can Anything Good Come from Seinfeld?/TATE PUB/Melle Spencer
Remember, Dear Children/TATE PUB/Ondria Jackson
Fire in the Wind/TATE PUB/Dana M. Stein
I Want to Be Like You: Life with Asperger's Syndrome/TATE PUB/Travis E. Breeding
Sunflower and the Swan/TATE PUB/Ruth Read
God Sent Me Back: The Astonishing True Story of a Pastor Who Was Raised from the Dead/ANOMALOS PUB/Bisi Daniels
For This Very Purpose/TATE PUB/Linda Huntington
Love Is Never Late/TATE PUB/Fern H. Crume
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The Human Obsession: A Manufactured Identity Thriller/TATE PUB/Heath Sommer
Hardest Is Best: Our Human Heritage/TATE PUB/John M. Kuhry, Sr.
Paths of Intimate Contention/TATE PUB/Walter E. Mark
Our Journey in Life/TATE PUB/Doyle C. Barnes
You're Wonderfully Wonderful!/TATE PUB/Luci Bird Birdsong
The Sixth World of Men Vol 3: The Beginning of Sorrows/TATE PUB/Walter E. Mark