Roosevelt and the Holocaust/BARRICADE BOOKS INC/Robert Beir
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Lafayette at Brandywine: The Making of an American Hero/BARRICADE BOOKS INC/Bruce E. Mowday
Captivating Heart to Heart Facilitator's Guide: An Invitation Into the Beauty and Depth of the Femin/THOMAS NELSON PUB/John Eldredge
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Preacher's Sourcebook of Creative Sermon Illustrations/THOMAS NELSON PUB/Robert J. Morgan
1 and 2 Timothy and Titus: A Blackaby Bible Study Series/THOMAS NELSON PUB/Henry Blackaby
Everything Butt Art on the Farm/MADBROOK PUB/Brian Snyder
Epic Live DVD: The Story God Is Telling/NELSONWORD PUB GROUP/John Eldredge
Azure in Action/MANNING PUBN/Chris Hay
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Port Management and Operations/INFORMA LAW/Patrick M. Alderton
Tarot/TOP THAT PUB/Top That!
R in Action/MANNING PUBN/Robert I. Kabacoff
The Mystery of the Kaddish: Its Profound Influence on Judaism/BARRICADE BOOKS INC/Leon H. Charney