Macragge's Honour/GAMES WORKSHOP/Dan Abnett
Warbeast/BLACK LIB/Gav Thorpe
Watchers of the Throne: The Emperor's Legion/GAMES WORKSHOP/Chris Wraight
Warlord: Fury of the God-Machine/BLACK LIB/David Annandale
Honour Guard/BLACK LIB/Dan Abnett
The Guns of Tanith/BLACK LIB/Dan Abnett
「投票手当」1万円を支給する新選挙制度のすすめ 「万円万来選挙」の思想と行動/論創社/武田文彦
Cardiovascular Disease in Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations 2021/HUMANA PR/Keith C. Ferdinand
Imperator: Wrath of the Omnissiah/GAMES WORKSHOP/Gav Thorpe
Knowledge Management in Organizations 15th International Conference, KMO 2021, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 20-22, 2021, Proceedings
Born of Flame/GAMES WORKSHOP/Nick Kyme
Macragge's Honour/BLACK LIB/Dan Abnett
Digital Technologies in Construction Engineering: Selected Papers 2022/SPRINGER NATURE/Sergey Vasil'yevich Klyuev
Ruinstorm/GAMES WORKSHOP/David Annandale
Biopsychosocial Factors of Stress, and Mindfulness for Stress Reduction
The Warmaster/GAMES WORKSHOP/Dan Abnett
Engineering Biomaterials for Neural Applications Targeting Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
The Victory: Part 1/GAMES WORKSHOP/Dan Abnett
Tallarn/GAMES WORKSHOP/John French
河出書房新社 偽書東日流外三郡誌の亡霊荒吐の呪