Non-Linear Optical Response in Atoms, Molecules and ClustersAn Explicit Time Dependent Density Functional Approach
Optimization with PDE Constraints ESF Networking Program 'OPTPDE'
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Inflammation in Parkinson's Disease Scientific and Clinical Aspects
Synergetics of Molecular Systems
Electrically Assisted FormingModeling and Control
Applied Non-Linear Dynamical Systems
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Clinical Management of Male Infertility
Borelli's On the Movement of Animals - On the Natural Motions Resulting from Gravity
Balanchine and Kirstein's American Enterprise James Steichen
Storm-triggered Landslides in Warmer Climates
Gender and the Work-Family ExperienceAn Intersection of Two Domains
Average Sucks: Why You Don't Get What You Want (And What to Do About It)/LIGHTNING SOURCE INC/Michael Bernoff
Strategies for Sustainable Tourism at the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China
Handbook of Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability EvaluationApplication and Implementation of the ICF
Carbohydrates as Drugs
Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms Principles and Application of Microphos Technology