Covensense/CROWOOD PR/Patricia Crowther
Meeting Christ in the Sacraments Revised/ALBA HOUSE/Colman E. O'Neill
Solomon Builds a Temple/CONCORDIA PUB HOUSE/Concordia Publishing House
Heretic's Heart A Journey through Spirit and Revolution Margot Adler
Totalled Salvaging the Future from the Wreckage of Capitalism Ciara Cremin
Karen's Leprechaun Baby-Sitters Little Sister #59 Ann M. Martin
Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary/SAUNDERS W B CO/Virginia P. Studdert
The Power of Preaching: Crafting a Creative Expository Sermon/MOODY PUBL/Tony Evans
Louis Agassiz: Creator of American Science/HOUGHTON MIFFLIN/Christoph Irmscher
Anthropologists in Arms: The Ethics of Military Anthropology/UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF CONSERVATI/George R. Lucas
God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World/HOUGHTON MIFFLIN/Cullen Murphy
The Universal Exception, Volume 2: Selected Writings/BLOOMSBURY 3PL/Slavoj Zizek
Power in William Shakespeare's Macbeth/GREENHAVEN/Vernon Elso Johnson
A Taste of Danger/ALADDIN/Carolyn Keene
Vasily Zhukovsky's Romanticism and the Emotional History of Russia/NORTHWESTERN UNIV PR/Ilya Vinitsky
The Rithmatist/TOR BOOKS/Brandon Sanderson