Let Jesus Easter in Us: More Homilies on Biblical Justice/PAULIST PR/Walter J. Burghardt
Welsh Gothic/UNIV OF WALES PR/Jane Aaron
In Pursuit of Religious Freedom: Bishop Martin Stephan's Journey/UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF CONSERVATI/Philip Stephan
The Elephant to Hollywood/HENRY HOLT & CO/Michael Caine
Sleeping Beauty/DISNEY/Catherine Hapka
Jeremiah: Demanding Love/INTER VARSITY PR/Stephen D. Eyre
Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights/MCGILL QUEENS UNIV PR/Tom Flanagan
Air Force One/MOTORBOOKS INTL/Robert F. Dorr
Focus on Canada/GARETH STEVENS INC/Heather Blades
Behavioral Pharmacology of 5-ht Paul Bevan
Ripley's Special Edition 2014/SCHOLASTIC BK SERVICES/Ripley's Entertainment Inc
Voices from Colonial America: California 1542-1850/NATL GEOGRAPHIC SOC/Robin Doak
Israeli Salvage Poetics Sheila E. Jelen
Shaken: Young Reader's Edition: Fighting to Stand Strong No Matter What Comes Your Way/WATERBROOK PR/Tim Tebow
Baltic World 1772-1993, TheEurope's Northern Periphery in an Age of Change
Cyberchiefs: Autonomy and Authority in Online Tribes/PLUTO PR/Mathieu O'Neil
Easter Bunny's Guessing Game/RANDOM HOUSE/Edward Miller
Singer's Library of Musical Theatre, Vol 1: Mezzo Soprano/Alto Voice, Book & 2 CDs [With 2 CDs]/HAL LEONARD PUB CO/Alfred Music
Zelda and Ivy and the Boy Next Door/CANDLEWICK BOOKS/Laura McGee Kvasnosky