Old Tim's Estate1929-35 T.R. St. George
Twenty-First Century Warships: Surface Combatants of Today's Navies/MOTORBOOKS INTL/Steve Crawford
Winter Wheat Revised/UNIV OF NEBRASKA PR/Mildred Walker
Memories, Dreams, Reflections Revised/VINTAGE/Carl G. Jung
Iranians in Chicagoland/ARCADIA PUB (SC)/Hamid Akbari
Before Copernicus: The Cultures and Contexts of Scientific Learning in the Fifteenth Century Volume/MCGILL QUEENS UNIV PR/Rivka Feldhay
Classic Tales of Brer Rabbit/COURAGE BOOKS/Joel Chandler Harris
Twentieth-Century British and Irish Poetry: Hardy to Mahon/BLACKWELL PUBL/Michael O'Neill
Here Comes The... Trouble! Turtleback Scho/TURTLEBACK BOOKS/A. J. Stern
Sweet Valley Twins: Teacher's Pet: (A Graphic Novel)/RH GRAPHIC/Francine Pascal
Central Park/ARCADIA PUB (SC)/Edward J. Levine
Waterway Routes Through France Map: Comprehensive Planning Maps with Detailed Cruising Information f/IMRAY PRODUCTS/Jane Cumberlidge
America's Collection: The Art and Architecture of the Diplomatic Reception Rooms at the U.S. Departm/ELECTA/Virginia B. Hart
Perspectives on Your Child's Education: Four Views/B&H KIDS/Timothy Paul Jones
Division and Multiplication: It's Easy!/ENSLOW PUBL/Rebecca Wingard-Nelson
Yellow Sac Spiders/GARETH STEVENS INC/Eric Ethan
Boy Scouts of America: A Centennial History/DK PUB/Chuck Wills