Karen's Christmas Carol Baby-Sitters Little Sister #104 Ann M. Martin
Paula's Plantscape Revised/SOUTH WESTERN/Cheryl L. Noll
Superstar High: Nobody's Angels Isabella Cass
The House Takes a Vacation/MARSHALL CAVENDISH CORP/Jacqueline Davies
Second Chance: From a Life of Drugs, Crime, and Misery to Worldwide Ministry/REVIEW & HERALD PUB/Jim Ayer
Conshohocken in Vintage Postcards/ARCADIA PUB (SC)/Phillip Welsh
The Love Queen of Malabar: Memoir of a Friendship with Kamala Das/MCGILL QUEENS UNIV PR/Merrily Weisbord
Frankenstein: Dead and Alive/BANTAM TRADE/Dean Koontz
Marguerite Bourgeoys Et Montr?al/MCGILL QUEENS UNIV PR/Patricia Simpson
She's My Dad A Father’s Transition and a Son’s Redemption Jonathan S. Williams
Anarchy's Brief Summer: The Life and Death of Buenaventura Durruti/SEA BOATING/Hans Magnus Enzensberger
The Times-Picayune in a Changing Media World: The Transformation of an American Newspaper/LEXINGTON BOOKS/S. L. Alexander
Quantum Theory: A Philosopher's Overview/ST UNIV OF NEW YORK PR/Salvator Cannavo
Martin Buber on Psychology and Psychotherapy: Essays, Letters, and Dialogue/SYRACUSE UNIV PR/Judith Agassi
The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation/FARRAR STRAUSS & GIROUX/Sid Jacobson
The Aftermath of Feminism Gender, Culture and Social Change Angela McRobbie
If It Takes All Summer: Martin Luther King, the Kkk, and States' Rights in St. Augustine, 1964/UNIV OF ALABAMA PR/Dan R. Warren
Public Freedom/PRINCETON UNIV PR/Dana Villa
Llewellyn's 2019 Moon Sign Datebook: Weekly Planning by the Cycles of the Moon/LLEWELLYN PUB/Amy Herring
When Love's in View: Finding Focus in Dating and Relationships/MOODY PUBL/Conway Edwards