Hacker Culture/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Douglas Thomas
The Tennis Court Oath: A Book of Poems ANNIVERSARY/WESLEYAN UNIV PR/John Ashbery
It's Just Not Your Day Wall Calendar 2017/WORKMAN PUB CO/Workman Publishing
The Prayer That God Prays/DEVORSS & CO/Jim Rosemergy
Fairfax/ARCADIA PUB (SC)/William Sagar
American Heart Association Low-Calorie Cookbook: More Than 200 Delicious Recipes for Healthy Eating/POTTER CLARKSON N/American Heart Association
Negotiating a Perilous Empowerment: Appalachian Women's Literacies/OHIO UNIV PR/Erica Abrams Locklear
日本映画史 第1巻/岩波書店/佐藤忠男(映画・教育評論家)
Stanley's Christmas Adventure Turtleback Scho/TURTLEBACK BOOKS/Jeff Brown
An Age of Infidels: The Politics of Religious Controversy in the Early United States/UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PR/Eric R. Schlereth
Catching a Case: Inequality and Fear in New York City's Child Welfare System/RUTGERS UNIV PR/Tina Lee
Life Is a Ball Notefolio/HARRY N ABRAMS INC/Stephen Huneck
Today's Gospel/BANNER OF TRUTH/Walter J. Chantry
Chapterhouse, Dune Bound for Schoo/TURTLEBACK BOOKS/Frank Herbert
Richard Potter: America's First Black Celebrity/UNIV OF VIRGINIA PR/John A. Hodgson
Grandma Lena's Big Ol' Turnip/WHITMAN ALBERT & CO/Denia Lewis Hester
New Haven Chef's Table: Restaurants, Recipes, and Local Food Connections/LYONS PR/Faith Middleton
Critical Role: Vox Machina--Stories Untold Critical Role
Minnesota Rag/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Fred W. Friendly