Religion and Civil Society Rethinking Public Religion in the Contemporary World
Good Dog, Bad Dog Good Dog, Bad Dog Revised/HENRY HOLT & CO/Mordecai Siegal
Elizabeth Gaskell: A Portrait in Letters/MANCHESTER UNIV PR/J. Chapple
The Triumph of Improvisation: Gorbachev's Adaptability, Reagan's Engagement, and the End of the Cold/CORNELL UNIV PR/James Graham Wilson
Merlin and the Dragons/PERFECTION LEARNING CORP/Jane Yolen
Andrea Carter and the Price of Truth/KREGEL PUBN/Susan K. Marlow
Deadly Devotion/FLEMING H REVELL CO/Sandra Orchard
HIV Prevention and Bisexual Realities/UNIV OF TORONTO PR/Viviane Namaste
Ephesians: Lectio Divina for Youth/BEACON HILL PR/Ken Heer
How Can I Fix It?: Finding Solutions and Managing Dilemmas: An Educator's Road Map/TEACHERS COLLEGE PR/Larry Cuban
Anthropology's Politics: Disciplining the Middle East/STANFORD UNIV PR/Lara Deeb
Thais in Los Angeles/ARCADIA PUB (SC)/Chanchanit Martorell
Milo, My Stray Cat [With CD (Audio)] Special/MEMORY MAN PR/Donald Cohen
Dialogues on the Beauty of Nature and Moral Reflections on Certain Topics of Natural History/UNIV PR OF AMER/Johann Georg Sulzer
Eternal Hunter/KENSINGTON/Cynthia Eden
A History of the Swedish People: Volume II: From Renaissance to Revolution Volume 2/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Vilhelm Moberg
Counting: Earth's Biomes (Level 2) Bound for Schoo/TURTLEBACK BOOKS/Jennifer L. Kroll
Canaanland Classics: 25 Great Southern Gospel Favorites/LILLENAS PUB CO/Mosie Lister
Wickedpedia/SCHOLASTIC/Chris Van Etten
Do You Believe in Miracles?/HARVEST HOUSE PUBL/John Van Diest