Quick Guide to API 570-Certified Pipework Inspector Syllabus/ASME INTL/Clifford Matthews
The Minnesota Homegrown Cookbook: Local Food, Local Restaurants, Local Recipes/VOYAGEUR PR/Renewing the Countryside
Global Mixed Race/NEW YORK UNIV PR/Rebecca C. King-O'Riain
Allotment Plot: Alice C. Fletcher, E. Jane Gay, and Nez Perce Survivance/UNIV OF NEBRASKA PR/Nicole Tonkovich
Small Is Necessary: Shared Living on a Shared Planet/PLUTO PR/Anitra Nelson
The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics/VIKING/Daniel James Brown
Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes School & Librar/TURTLEBACK BOOKS/Jane O'Connor
Three and Out: Rich Rodriguez and the Michigan Wolverines in the Crucible of College Football/FARRAR STRAUS & GIROUX/John U. Bacon
Caring on the Streets A Study of Detached Youthworkers Jacqueline K Thompson
Emotional Labor and Crisis Response: Working on the Razor's Edge/ROUTLEDGE/Sharon H. Mastracci
The Mission-Minded Family: Releasing Your Family to God's Destiny/IVP BOOKS/Ann Dunagan
Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics/EDINBURGH UNIV PR/Paul Baker
Sears & Zemansky's College Physics/CUMMINGS/Hugh D. Young
Who Speaks for Margaret Garner?/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Mark Reinhardt
The Facilitator's Guide for White Affinity Groups: Strategies for Leading White People in an Anti-Ra/BEACON PR/Robin Diangelo
Good Gossip/UNIV PR OF KANSAS/Robert F. Goodman
Get Healthy SingaporeIt's Time to Wake Up! Vismai Schonfelder
The Power of Ignorance: How Creative Solutions Emerge When We Admit What We Don't Know/HARRIMAN HOUSE LTD/Dave Trott
The Little Emperors/PHOENIX HOUSE/Alfred Duggan
Megan Rapinoe/ABBEVILLE KIDS/Illugi Jokulsson