Breaking Bad: Critical Essays on the Contexts, Politics, Style, and Reception of the Television Seri/LEXINGTON BOOKS/David P. Pierson
North/South, East/West: Mapping Italianness on Television/LEXINGTON BOOKS/Michela Ardizzoni
Genre in Asian Film and Television New Approaches
Studio Television Production and Directing Concepts, Equipment, and Procedures Andrew Utterback
Killing Off the LesbiansA Symbolic Annihilation on Film and Television Liz Millward
When Women Invented Television: The Untold Story of the Female Powerhouses Who Pioneered the Way We/HARPERCOLLINS/Jennifer Keishin Armstrong
国語(国公立大編) 2008年受験用/旺文社/旺文社
H.P. Lovecraft in Popular CultureThe Works and Their Adaptations in Film, Television, Comics, Music and Games Don G. Smith
アルミ製ステッキ 折りたたみ式 スタンダードタイプ 高さ5段階調節 RQS-S002BK ブラック
In Pursuit of German Memory: History, Television, and Politics after Auschwitz/OHIO UNIV PR/Wulf Kansteiner
Heartbeat and Beyond: Memoirs of 50 Years of Yorkshire Television/PEN & SWORD HISTORY/John Fairley