The Abortion Controversy/REFERENCE POINT PR/Robert Lerose
Super Silly Stickers: Christmas/SILVER DOLPHIN BOOKS/Editors of Silver Dolphin Books
The Science Girls/GODWIN BOOKS/Aki
Haunted Carroll County, Ohio/HISTORY PR/-
Ancient Cities and Civilizations/CONNECTIONS/Duling
Not Just a Bad Day: Understanding Depression/TWENTY FIRST CENTURY BOOKS/Wendy Moragne
Carol Gilligan and the Search for Voice/MAGINATION PR/Bill Cole
Hercules of the Arts: Johann Adam Andreas I Von Liechtenstein and Vienna Around 1700/HIRMER VERLAG/Stephan Koja
Keeper of the Rend/MARGARET K MCELDERRY BOOKS/Lisa Maxwell
The Extra Mile/PENGUIN GROUP/Kevin Sinfield
Startling Stay: Scary Hotels and Inns/URSA BOOKS/Natalie Lunis
Let Us Descend/SCRIBNER BOOKS CO/Jesmyn Ward
Cecilia Vicua: Deer Book/RADIUS BOOKS/Cecilia Vicuna
The Mightiest Bite/ANDERSEN PR USA/Howard Calvert
Whiz Limited: The Finest of Tokyo Street/RIZZOLI/Whiz Limited
Exploring Anime and Manga/REFERENCE POINT PR/Pamela Gossin
Operation Rescue the Animals!/JOLLY FISH PR/Hannah Carmona
Exploring Greek Mythology/REFERENCE POINT PR/Don Nardo
The Origins of Elected Strongmen: How Personalist Parties Destroy Democracy from Within/OXFORD UNIV PR USA/Erica Frantz
Me Llamo La Chiva!: El Colorido Bus de Los Andes/DIAL/Karol Hernndez