2,735件中 101件目 ~ 120件目を表示
発売日:1982年Science, Curriculum, and Liberal Education: Selected Essays Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Joseph J. Schwab
発売日:1982年Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus: The 1818 Text/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
発売日:1982年The Constitution of Society/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Edward Shils
発売日:1982年The Women of Suye Mura/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Robert J. Smith
発売日:1982年Race, Culture, and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/George W. Stocking Jr
発売日:1982年Asset Accumulation and Economic Activity: Reflections on Contemporary Macroeconomic Theory Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/James Tobin
発売日:1982年Alexis de Tocqueville on Democracy, Revolution, and Society Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Alexis De Tocqueville
発売日:1982年The Discovery of Time Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Stephen Toulmin
発売日:1982年The Life of the Servant/LUTTERWORTH PR/Henry Suso
発売日:1982年Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art Revised/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Julia Kristeva
発売日:1982年The Varied Sociology of Paul F. Lazarsfeld: Writings/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Paul F. Lazarsfeld
発売日:1982年Toward a Science of Human Nature/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Daniel N. Robinson
発売日:1982年The American Puritans: Their Prose and Poetry/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Perry Miller
発売日:1982年Marxism: An Historical and Critical Study/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/George Lichtheim
発売日:1982年Genetics and the Origin of Species/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Theodosius Dobzhansky
発売日:1982年Selected Writings of Walter Pater/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Harold Bloom
発売日:1982年The Sociology of Marx/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Henri Lefebvre
発売日:1982年Plain Folk: The Life Stories of Undistinguished Americans Revised/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/David M. Katzman
発売日:1982年Black Leaders of the Twentieth Century Revised/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/John Hope Franklin
発売日:1982年Race Riot at East St. Louis, July 2, 1917/UNIV OF ILLINOIS PR/Elliott Rudwick