1,329件中 101件目 ~ 120件目を表示
発売日:1976年American Folklife/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Don Yoder
発売日:1976年Aspects of English Sentence Stress/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Susan F. Schmerling
発売日:1976年Urban Latin America: The Political Condition from Above and Below/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Alejandro Portes
発売日:1976年The Comic Spirit of Federico Garcia Lorca/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Virginia Higginbotham
発売日:1976年The Yanoama Indians: A Cultural Geography/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/William J. Smole
発売日:1976年Science and Ceremony: The Institutional Economics of C. E. Ayres/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/William Breit
発売日:1976年Fields of the Tzotzil: The Ecological Bases of Tradition in Highland Chiapas/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/George A. Collier
発売日:1976年Under the Rainbow: Nature and Supernature among the Panare Indians/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Jean-Paul Dumont
発売日:1976年Evolution of Desert Biota/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/David W. Goodall
発売日:1976年Constituent and Pattern in Poetry/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Archibald A. Hill
発売日:1976年Heredity, Environment, and Personality: A Study of 850 Sets of Twins/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/John C. Loehlin
発売日:1976年Dramatists in Revolt: The New Latin American Theater/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Leon F. Lyday
発売日:1976年Man Across the Sea: Problems of Pre-Columbian Contacts/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Carroll L. Riley
発売日:1976年Hamlet's Castle: The Study of Literature as a Social Experience/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Gordon H. Mills
発売日:1976年Moroccan Islam: Tradition and Society in a Pilgrimage Center/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Dale F. Eickelman
発売日:1976年Current Thought in Musicology/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/John W. Grubbs
発売日:1976年The Making of a History: Walter Prescott Webb and The Great Plains/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Gregory M. Tobin
発売日:1976年Social Science in America: The First Two Hundred Years/UNIV OF TEXAS PR/Charles M. Bonjean
発売日:1976年The Last Wilderness/UNIV OF WASHINGTON PR/Murray Morgan
発売日:1976年Spring Flora of Wisconsin: A Manual of Plants Growing Without Cultivation and Flowering Before June Revised, Enlarg/UNIV OF WISCONSIN PR/Norman C. Fassett