2,232件中 61件目 ~ 80件目を表示
発売日:1981年With Head and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman/MARINER BOOKS/Howard Thurman
発売日:1981年The Cloud of Unknowing and the Book of Privy Counselling/BOYDELL & BREWER INC/Phyllis Hodgson
発売日:1981年A History of the County of Gloucester: Volume VII: Brightwells Barrow and Rapsgate Hundreds/VICTORIA COUNTY HISTORY/N. M. Herbert
発売日:1981年Politics and Culture in the Developing World/CRC PR INC/Richard J. Payne
発売日:1981年Spanish Pronunciation in the Americas/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/D. Lincoln Canfield
発売日:1981年African Rhythm and African Sensibility: Aesthetics and Social Action in African Musical Idioms Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/John Miller Chernoff
発売日:1981年Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles/Eperons: Les Styles de Nietzsche/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Jacques Derrida
発売日:1981年The Philosophy of John Dewey: Volume 1. The Structure of Experience. Volume 2: The Lived Experience/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/John Dewey
発売日:1981年In Praise of Krishna: Songs from the Bengali/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Edward C. Dimock
発売日:1981年Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Louis Dumont
発売日:1981年A History of Religious Ideas, Volume 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Mircea Eliade
発売日:1981年Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Ludwik Fleck
発売日:1981年A Reading of Dante's Inferno/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Wallace Fowlie
発売日:1981年General Relativity from A to B Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Robert Geroch
発売日:1981年Cat Musculature: A Photographic Atlas/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Gordon Greenblatt
発売日:1981年Humbug: The Art of P. T. Barnum/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Neil Harris
発売日:1981年Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3: The Political Order of a Free People/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/F. a. Hayek
発売日:1981年Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges, and Defense Attorneys/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Milton Heumann
発売日:1981年Sacrifice: Its Nature and Functions Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Henri Hubert
発売日:1981年After the New Criticism/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Frank Lentricchia