1,429件中 61件目 ~ 80件目を表示
発売日:1971年The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Samuel Noah Kramer
発売日:1971年Red Man's America: A History of Indians in the United States Revised/UNIV OF CHICAGO PR/Ruth Murray Underhill
発売日:1971年Chushingura (the Treasury of Loyal Retainers): A Puppet Play/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Donald Keene
発売日:1971年The Poetry of Stephen Crane Revised/COLUMBIA UNIV PR/Daniel Hoffman
発売日:1971年The Origins of Modern Town Planning/MIT PR/Leonardo Benevolo
発売日:1971年Science In History, Volume 3: The Natural Sciences in Our Time Revised/MIT PR/J. D. Bernal
発売日:1971年Lectures On Elementary Particles and Quantum Field Theory, Volume 1 Revised/MIT PR/Stanley Deser
発売日:1971年Lectures On Elementary Particles and Quantum Field Theory, Volume 2/MIT PR/Stanley Deser
発売日:1971年Films and Feelings/MIT PR/Raymond Durgnat
発売日:1971年Industrialized Building Systems for Housing/MIT PR/Albert G. H. Dietz
発売日:1971年Bargaining: Monopoly Power Versus Union Power/MIT PR/Georges De Menil
発売日:1971年An Econometric Approach to a Marketing Decision Model/MIT PR/Ronald E. Frank
発売日:1971年Understanding The Earth: A Reader in the Earth Sciences/MIT PR/I. G. Gass
発売日:1971年Readings in Molecular Biology: Selections from Nature/MIT PR/W. B. Gratzer
発売日:1971年Choice Points: Essays on the Emotional Problems of Living with People/MIT PR/John C. Glidewell
発売日:1971年The Threat Of Impending Disaster/MIT PR/George H. Grosser
発売日:1971年Psychological Warfare Against Nazi Germany: The Sykewar Campaign, D-Day to VE-Day Revised/MIT PR/Daniel Lerner
発売日:1971年Solzhenitsyn/MIT PR/Georg Lukacs
発売日:1971年Build a Mill, Build a City, Build a School: Industrialization, Urbanization, and Education in Ciudad Revised/MIT PR/Noel McGinn
発売日:1971年Technology, Engineering, and Economics/MIT PR/Philip Sporn