138件中 61件目 ~ 80件目を表示
発売日:1955年22. St. Augustine: The Problem of Free Choice/PAULIST PR/Dom Mark Pontifex
発売日:1955年Flowers of Evil: A Selection/NEW DIRECTIONS/Charles Baudelaire
発売日:1955年Three Tragedies: Blood Wedding, Yerma, Bernarda Alba Revised/NEW DIRECTIONS/Federico Garcia Lorca
発売日:1955年Land of Their Choice: The Immigrants Write Home/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Theodore C. Blegen
発売日:1955年The Manuscript Poems of A.E. Housman: Eight Hundred Lines of Hitherto Uncollected Verse from the Aut Minnesota Archi/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Tom Burns Haber
発売日:1955年History and the Social Web: A Collection of Essays Minnesota Archi/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/August C. Krey
発売日:1955年Political Prairie Fire: The Nonpartisan League, 1915-1922 Minnesota Archi/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Robert L. Morlan
発売日:1955年Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria, 1919-1920 Minnesota Archi/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Robert K. Murray
発売日:1955年The Origins of the British Labour Party Minnesota Archi/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/J. H. Stewart Reid
発売日:1955年The Nation and the States, Rivals or Partners Minnesota Archi/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/William Anderson
発売日:1955年Our Long Heritage: Pages from the Books Our Founding Fathers Read/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Wilson O. Clough
発売日:1955年Vocational Interest Measurement: Theory and Practice/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/John G. Darley
発売日:1955年Stuttering in Children and Adults: Thirty Years of Research at the University of Iowa/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Wendell Johnson
発売日:1955年The Poetic Workmanship of Alexander Pope/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Rebecca Price Parkin
発売日:1955年Whoop-Up Country: The Canadian-American West, 1865-1885/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Paul F. Sharp
発売日:1955年Vocational Interests 18 Years After College/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Edward K. Strong Jr
発売日:1955年The Micmac Indians of Eastern Canada Minnesota Archi/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Wilson D. Wallis
発売日:1955年Occupational Mobility in American Business and Industry, 1928-1952/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/W. Lloyd Warner
発売日:1955年Human Relations in Interracial Housing: A Study of the Contact Hypothesis/UNIV OF MINNESOTA PR/Daniel M. Wilner